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10 Top Tips For Conception

10 Top Tips For Conception
Writer and expert8 years ago
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For some of you, trying for a baby maybe isn’t quite as easy as you thought it would be, but don’t worry - you’re not the only ones! Lots of couples struggle to get pregnant, a lot of the time it isn’t just a case of having lots of sex, sometimes it needs to have a little more logic. So we’ve come up with 10 top tips to help you conceive and get you on your way to parenthood!

Have sex

Although for some it may not be as easy as it is for others, try and have sex every 2 to 3 days. Don’t force it on your partner or vice versa, but if you do fancy a little roll around then go for it! It will definitely up your chances.

Stub it out

If you’re a smoker, try and stop. Women who smoke are more likely to struggle to conceive than those who don’t, plus it’s so much better for your overall wellbeing so try and at least cut down!

Set the scales

Being overweight can have a direct impact on your fertility, as can being underweight. So if your BMI is more or less than what it should be then you really need to get yourself onto a healthy balanced diet and get to a weight the doctors approve of.

Live your life

It’s important to not let it take over your life, and especially don’t let it affect your relationship! Keep going about life as usual but take into consideration our points and just try to stick to them without becoming obsessive. Sometimes it can happen when you stop trying!

Say no to alcohol

We know it’s not ideal, and we all love a glass of wine on a Friday night, but becoming tee total will really help your chances of conceiving. So try an alcohol free drink for a couple of months and fingers crossed it’ll work.

Remember nutritional value

Your body needs to be in full working order to create a new little person inside you. So eat lots of nutritious food, drink lots of water, stay active and generally look after yourself.


Read blogs and forums about success stories of other women who might have been in the same situation as you. It’ll help you realise it’s a lot more common than you think to struggle to conceive. Take some tips from them and don’t let it stress you out!

Know your cycle

Keep a diary of your cycle and try to have sex around day 14, as that’s when the egg comes round. The egg only survives for a day or two, so there's only a limited window each month during which you can actually get pregnant!

De stress

It’s super important to stay stress free. Look after yourself, enjoy life and don’t worry! If it consumes your mind, it’ll consume your life and it won’t be an enjoyable experience. So let the worry go over your head and que sera, sera!

Last but not least

Last but not least – make sure your partner follows some of our advice too! Not only for his own health benefits but to support you through it too!

Good luck!

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Writer and expert
View Ariana's profile