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How To Ease Morning Sickness

How To Ease Morning Sickness
Writer and expert7 years ago
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Congratulations you’re pregnant! Now is the time for excitedly awaiting your little ones arrival, feeling your  baby kick inside you as you decide what to name them, designing their nursery and picking out gorgeous little baby onesies. However chances are if you’re needing tips on how to ease morning sickness then nausea is putting a little bit of a downer on the whole experience of being pregnant.

Morning sickness often starts at around six weeks and usually lasts throughout the first trimester (for some longer.) Don't let anyone be fooled by the name it unfortunately can hit at any point in the day. We’ve put together a quick list of things to do and foods to eat to try keep the nausea and sickness at bay and keep you and baby healthy and happy.

Keep Fresh Scents At Hand

Morning sickness is caused by the change in the level of oestrogen in your body, which is the hormone responsible for your sense of smell.  When you have a high level of the hormone your smell radar kicks in and even the slightest whiff of a something stinky can set you off!  Carry round lemon extract or sprig of rosemary to mask potent smells you can’t get away from.

Get Help In The Kitchen

Ask the people around you for some extra support in the kitchen so you can avoid strong smells that can make you feel worse. If there’s ever a time to get out of the kitchen and pop your feet up now is your chance! If that’s not possible try cooking non-greasy foods, that are simple to prepare and don’t have a strong scent such as potatoes or pasta. Still struggling? Try cold meals instead of hot as they’re less likely to give off a scent and avoid fatty and spicy foods that unsettle the stomach.


We all have busy lifestyles, stuff to get done and things to worry about and all that just increases when you find out you’re pregnant. That being said try to relax and get as much sleep as possible to help ease morning sickness. Stress and tiredness can make nausea worse so take some time for yourself and rest.

Have Snacks On Hand

Keep dry crackers next to the bed and eat before getting up. Having something in your stomach makes it less likely you’ll have to run to the toilet first thing.  Make sure to eat small meals often and try plain foods when you do feel nauseous such as dry toast, rich-tea biscuits, pretzels with peanut butter and high protein foods such as nuts.  A time tested cure to ease morning sickness is ginger, try it cooked in a meal, in tea, biscuits or sip a ginger ale to settle the stomach.

What does and doesn’t trigger morning sickness and how severe it is all depends on the individual so trial and error is going to be your best friend here.

Remember if your morning sickness is severe and you start to lose a noticeable amount of weight contact your doctor of midwife for further advice.


Some mamas find that ginger is amazing when it comes to nausea and morning sickness. Sipping on a Ginger Tea in between meals, or grazing on Ginger Biscuits can really help ease that horrible queasiness.

We love ginger so much we've created a Limited Edition Ginger and Lime Tummy Rub Butter, inspired by the time-tested use of ginger to ease morning sickness. With the same incredible formula, and stretch mark preventing capabilities, it's amazing for strengthening and nourishing your skin, preventing itchiness.



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Writer and expert
View beeversj's profile